Stress Free living in Human Design

“Stress is the trash of modern life–we all generate it, but if you don’t dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life.”
—Danzae Pace

Stress is ….

…presenting at a meeting, getting married, getting divorced, breaking up, loosing a job, overworking in a job you hate, your noisy neighbor, your empty bank account, your failing business, your less than ideal health, your children who are in need, and so many other scenarios.

Everyone experiences stress, fear and anxiety.

Life is a constant fielding of curveballs, often leaving you overwhelmed and ready to crack at any moment.

What if you could anticipate your reaction to certain situations and cope/manage your response in a more fitting way from the beginning?

Once I took a deep dive into my Human Design Chart, the delivery insights into potential areas of stressors, fears, and anxiety worries and fears showed me various ways to handle the potential stressors based on my (your) type.

Through learning your Human Design type you can make handling stress a much more manageable and easier process.

Below, you will find a breakdown of ways to possibly live a full, stress-free life based on your unique strengths, weaknesses and destiny.

If you are unsure of your Human Design Type, click here to get your FREE chart.

If you already know your Type, and are just dipping your toes into the Human Design world, here is a brief explanation of how the various types are designed:

  • Manifesting Generators are excellent in multi-tasking, live a nonlinear life with ever-changing interests and pursuits.

  • Generators are highly dependable, possess the stamina to work hard and succeed, and are designed to respond to new opportunities.

  • Projectors hold a unique ability to see and understand others, often providing excellent guidance, advice and insights.

  • Manifestors are natural innovators and leaders, their bursts of energy to make things happen and influence others into action.

  • Reflectors are highly-sensitive individuals, greatly influenced by the people around them, and offer valuable insights into the collective whole.

Stress can sometimes make you feel:

Irritable, angry, impatient or wound up, over-burdened or overwhelmed, anxious, nervous or afraid, like your thoughts are racing and you can't switch off, unable to enjoy yourself, depressed, uninterested in life, like you've lost your sense of humor, and so much more.

The stress held in your body can create other symptoms such as:

Panic attacks, blurred eyesight or sore eyes, sleep problems, fatigue, muscle aches and headaches, chest pains and high blood pressure, indigestion or heartburn, constipation or diarrhea, feeling sick, dizzy or fainting, sudden weight gain or weight loss, developing rashes or itchy skin, sweating, and the list goes on.

  • What if there was a way you could better understand how you can respond better to stress, anxiety, worry, burnout?

  • What if there was a way to guide you in developing a better understanding of how to relieve the stress cycles from your life and live more harmoniously and peaceful?

Human Design Holds the Key to Stress-Free Living

You may have already learned many helpful coping strategies for stress, low-level anxiety, and worry. However, every Human Design type comes with its own blueprint to experiment with different approaches to stress relief based on individual needs and preferences. In this blueprint, you can utilize your Human Design Chart to discover more about your reactions and ability to handle stress as it occurs, ways you take in information, environments, and so much more to help you create stress-free living based on your design.

PSA: Some people who go through severe stress may experience suicidal feelings. This can be very distressing. If you feel unable to keep yourself safe, it's a mental health emergency. Text HOME to 741741 for Crisis Text Hotline or 866-903-3787 for national Mental Health Hotline.


Stress Free Living through your human design type


A Journey in Human Design