A Journey in Human Design

When I first got my chart back in 2017 or so, there weren’t all these apps where you could find out what everything meant. The apps are great, some better than others. My point being that within this chart there are over 1000 points of information for each person. Each a subtle nuisance of an aspect within ourselves that can create greater ease or stress in our life.

Information that can:

*support you in making higher quality decisions

*guide you to better quality health patterns

* create understanding of your habits and thinking patterns that either support you or hold you back

*and so so much more!

Now, yes I do some pretty woo-woo stuff in my business like tarot, intuitive readings, and some pretty high level coaching…yet, this holds a special place in my business because IT has helped me shape how I manage my business in complete alignment with my human design chart according to my unique strengths and characteristics.

I’ve been in the personal development and transformation process and business since, well over 10 years now, and I have done some pretty intense, interesting, and difficult things on my spiritual path of self discovery and life transformation. Things like walking on hot coals, sweat lodges, stepping off a 65 foot telephone pole, dressing up like a goofball and lip syncing on stage in front of 300+ people, and other deeply intense processes that have helped me with #deconditioning from the “shoulds” of what others insisted I needed to be.

It’s ALL been an amazing act of #selflove on my quest to live my life aligned with purpose, authenticity, and bravery.

My journey through #humandesign has cracked open parts of me that I couldn’t quite figure out from all the other processes I adventurously experienced.

So, my question to you is this…knowing there is a blueprint of you out there that shows you how to BE in this human experience so that you can experience it to the fullest, what are you waiting for?

Head over to my website and grab your free chart!


Stress Free living in Human Design


Explore Your Life’s Purpose