Why are you here?

So many go through life with this very phrase rolling around in their thoughts each day. Some many stop and ponder the thought, some may just ignore it altogether, and some may take a few minutes a delve deeper into the question. Neither way is right or wrong, it’s really just a thought that our minds bring forth from time to time.

For me, this thought is on my constant playlist of thoughts that roll around in my mind each day. I actually wrote my first book based off of a variation of this question way back in the early days of my business. (you can check it out in the Bodega section if you are so inclined).

Here I am almost 100 years later, still pondering the the thought “Why are you here?”

Many great philosophers pondered this same thought of our evolution in time, and many created great theories and precedents as to why we are here, our purpose, our paths, and the many reasons behind it all.

Viktor Frankl once said,

“Ever more people today have the means to live, but no meaning to live for.”

So, that begs the question of , “what are you waiting for?”

In my lifetime, I spent some pretty good chunks of it stuck in situations or circumstances that kept me stagnate and loosing site of my “why”.

There were the married years, and although it had adventure in the form of military lifestyle and moving every couple of years, it really wasn’t my life - it was a life I shared with my then husband and my children serving along side him so he could serve our nation.

Then there were the early divorce and career years, which lasted longer than I intended it to, yet these years were very important and personally educational for me in the areas of relationships, finances, and personal growth. I grew and as a result I outgrew many aspects of my life (people, places, and things) and learned some very valuable lessons and gained some even more valuable wisdom that I now can use as the strongest foundation I have ever had in my lifetime in regards to who I am and why I am here.

Then there was the recent move that threw me onto a new adventure where it took my previous learning and knowledge to navigate, and then where I ended up allows me to use my current well of wisdom and gain even more through living with more meaning to create even more meaningful adventures in my lifetime.

Circling back around to the question of, “why are you here and what are you waiting for?”

If you find yourself feeling like you are waiting for something in your life to change, yet you are not sure what it is, or you keep waiting for others to change before you can see it, then let me help you out…our lives change and become more meaningful when we change inside our minds, our hearts, and our actions. It’s a ripple effect, and you are the pebble being thrown into the pond.

You have a reason to be here! Steve Maraboli, in his book, Life, Truth, and Being Free wrote,

“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.”

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and discover the meaning for living your life. We are all here for a specific reason in this lifetime that you are experiencing. Make the most of it…experience it as best you can...savor it’s deliciousness…it’s truly worth it!

If you’d truly like to take a deep dive into this and more, then check out my programs page to find ways to help you create more meaning and adventure in your life.


Life in the Channel of Transitoriness (35/36)


Stress Free Living through your human design type