The Natal Chart

As the day of my birth is quickly approaching, I am beyond excited for the day to arrive! You see, for the past almost 10 years now, I have been receiving a Natal Chart reading as part of my “Celebration of ME!

This very important act of radical self-love is pretty much the highlight of my birthday each year. In the years that I have had my chart reading, I have learned so much about me on the astrological plane and the little bits of ‘why’ the stars were in the sky in that particular way on my birth, and every year since then…it’s eye-opening and magical. For me, I feel the main reason it’s such an important event is because I have had the same person read my chart each time. This woman might know more about me than the FBI! (he he he). Seriously, her consistency has been key in me gaining the knowledge and wisdom from each reading to carry me into the new birth year. (I’ll share her info at the end!) 

By now you may be wondering, “What IS a Natal Chart?

The Natal Chart is a map of your life. It’s like if you were able to take a photo at the time of your birth of the planets and of the universe stopped in time. Once developed this ‘photo’ is what the universe has to say about who you are and what you may become. The seeds of the future are always shown in the present, but can we read them? This is what the study of astrology is about, reading the signs of the times and listening to what they have to say about us, now and in the future.

A Natal Chart is made from your month, day, year, time of birth (am/pm), city and state of birth. With this information your Natal Chart can determine your personality, the person you are and who you will become! The Sun, Moon and Rising form your personality, it's like a pyramid, Sun on top and Moon and Rising at each bottom end. There is a treasure chest of information in a Natal Chart!  

The planets will not be in the same place at the time of your birth again for another 25,000 years, there are no two personalities the same in the world. You are unique!

Your next question may be, why is this important

I’ll start off by saying why it is important to me first to give you an idea of some of the nuggets of wisdom that I have gleaned over the years. First, and most importantly is the information about where I live. I used to live in this really fabulous place by the ocean, and according to my natal chart that wasn’t the best place for me to gain opportunities…uh, WHAT??

Seriously, what did that mean? Hence, part of the reason I moved last year. I have since realized and seen that a simple shift in geographical location for me has actually been an amazing thing when it comes to receiving said opportunities, be it love, work, money, clients, etc. This reading has also helped me gain a better understanding of the seasons of my life and how to best navigate those seasons and all the wonderfully delicious experiences each one brings. Which is a BIG part of my human design (Channels 3536 - Transitoriness) and (Collective Circuitry subcircuit - Abstract RED - all about distilling the essence of my experiences and revelations). Who knew?

So, if you are in the market for a Natal Chart reading feel free to reach out to my dear friend and astrologer, Kelly O’Tillery and tell her “Patricia Rundblade sent me!”

If you’d like to learn more about your human design areas for greater growth then hit me up HERE.

Until next time…

P.S. Since I like experiences so much and as a result of my move during the last year, my business and my website will be going through some positive changes, you know, a little nip and tuck, and I will keep you posted!


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The Connection Between Astrology And Tarot