Clarifying Your Purpose & Vision In Your Business

If you caught my last email, I alluded to the fact that I was going to be changing some things in my business and life. This last year in a remote location was more insightful than I could have ever imagined. The experiences, the knowledge gained, the wisdom distilled, and the depth of knowing all still have me in awe. During this time I devoted a great deal to learning more about myself through self reflection, and through Human Design. I have to say, the human design trip was way more revealing, and I am truer to myself than ever before. So here we are halfway through 2023, and both continuing to move towards it to be our best year ever! 

Maybe you are like me and crave adventure! Having my North Node of the Moon in Gate 35: Progress and Change is what creates my hungry heart of adventure. So for me, gaining more clarity around my purpose and vision which guides my service to others is key, and it shows me the new territory where I am to walk, as well as the jitters I get from expanding out of my comfort zone into areas with an abundant boon! 

Are you an adventure seeker? 

Just letting you know that it may be time to really clarify your Purpose and Vision.

A clear purpose and vision are your North Star for direction and focus.

Sadly, that was something I lost track of in my business; clear but not quite crystal. Have you ever felt this way about your purpose and vision for your business? 

Again, letting you know, this next part may challenge you if you’ve struggled with this area before. 

Here are a few concepts to ponder to help you succeed in the second part of your best year ever. For me, these questions help create my North Star - my compass. Guiding me in the direction of my desires; that deep feral sensing in my wild adventurous heart. 

  • When you spend time with your purpose how does it feel? Is the feeling matching what your heart desires in your business?

  • When you feel into your purpose, does it feel like your North Star?

  • Is the memory of your earliest desire to serve in your business continuing to move you like magic? 

  • When you sink deep into your heart is the act of expression flowing for what you truly desire?

  • When you sink into your heart are you able to discern where resistance is dampening your magic? 

  • When you feel this resistance, what is at the heart of it that is calling you? 

When we feel into ourselves with openness and honesty we can then discern what is serving our higher self and what can be released so that our truest purpose and vision can emerge with greater clarity. 

In distilling some of my experiences of the past year, I realized I was working more in my resistance than in my flow. The challenges of my hungry heart were obvious and the realization of living the curse of competence was creating a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction in all areas of my life and business. 

I have three things to tell you. 

One. Choose what you truly want. 

Two. Decide you want that and commit to it. 

Three. Express it. 

Then, take it from the silent consciousness to the outer unconsciousness of the Universe. 

Hold the absolute greatest outcome that you can possibly imagine with your business in your heart. 

Take your experiences, your expertise, and create excitement in how you serve your clients or customers. 

Find your favorite way to relax quietly and let your mind open to what’s possible. Imagine your future self’s purpose and vision. 

Enjoy the adventure!

Just letting you know…

  • this is how you can hop on a chat with me to discuss this topic or any other topic even more

  • join my email list to learn about the exciting opportunity to dive deeper into this in the coming weeks to truly create magic!


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