What is the MOST asked question about my life at this moment?
When I am out and about taking in the sights, sounds, and views of the world around me and where I live, I get noticed. Now, you are probably thinking this is going to be a blog about vanity, right? Well, I hate to disappoint, but it's actually about Leo - my Jindo/Lab mix.
You see, when we are walking around, people look at him funny, and with a bit of trepidation. Honestly, I don't blame them! He is missing most of the fur from around his face and mouth, constantly shakes his head, and looks very lean (some may think he's being starved). The most asked question is "What's wrong with him?" Even the other dogs won't go near him because he wears a cone 99% of the time, or has been for the past 2 months.
Typically, I would be quite sarcastic with my response, but in this case I really cannot be sarcastic because he does look weird. So, from a place of love deep in my nurturing mother's heart, I briefly explain he is purging generations and lifetimes of poison and toxic energy and his body is out of alignment and feels like it has been through a grinder, and his marbles are still rattled from it all. He is burning so much energy in this process he looks starved, but in reality he is more grounded than any of us, and his true purpose here is to help me heal others because we are joined in breath and energy, and together we create a strong and harmonious energy for ourselves, others and the world.
Usually, after I say that people just look at me like I'm weirder than the dog!
When I finally do open my mouth to speak, I simply say he is a rescue who healing from severe allergies and an overuse of antibiotics in his young system.
several cups of unconditional Love
many, many scoops of deep compassion
a large dose of humor
kilos and kilos of kindness
a ton of patience