Inspiration to Adventure

Have you ever felt that life at times is just so repetitive? It has some amazingly connected moments, but are those moments truly filling your soul on a deeper level? I began feeling those pangs earlier this year, and the knowing slowly crept into my consciousness and began to nudge me to create the possibility of a change, or at least the idea of a change.

What kind of change was I craving? Was it more internal or physical, or environmental…

Where would this change happen? On my body, in my home, in the city I live..

When would this change happen? At the time of this start, I had no idea of the timeframe, and only could feel that it would happen this year..

So, that’s where I began. As I sat in stillness and quieted my mind I began to open myself to the many possibilities available to me. Now, my stillness was not always sitting in lotus pose in deep meditation, much of my quieted mind and stillness occurred during my early morning walks with Leo. It has always amazed me how quiet the world is at 5am, lol. Yes, I am a bit of an early bird. 

The one question that was becoming more evident in my playground of creation was, what does my soul crave?…What will fill my cup on a deeper level?...If time, place, and money were freely available, where will this craving be satisfied? 

For the past few months, my tarot readings have been giving me so many signs and messages through the breadcrumb trails of the cards. The 8 of Wands was appearing in several readings, and when you look at the wands on the cards they are flying through the air with fast moving energy. Where are they going? Where will they land? How far will they go? Leading me to expand my realm of possibilities even further, even more unique, and even more soul-sifying. 

I would also get the Fool tarot card in many readings, and the Fool is the beginning of the inner journey through the tarot, and also represents the beginning of a journey in the physical plane. Keep in mind the other tarot cards are the lessons/teachings/transformations and the steps to take to move through to the final card of the World, where self accomplishment is achieved. 

Where will your adventure take you?

Where will your adventure take you?

As I am moving through this adventure in my life, I am feeling called to reclaim my own power that I have inadvertently/knowingly given away in so many aspects and interactions of my current life. It’s time for me to reclaim my power of creation. This has been brought to my attention through the 6 of Swords, which represents how you will continue to move through the landscape you are currently in and fill your soul along the way? Is you current journey allowing you to truly fill your soul on that deep level?

Here are some things to ponder if you are feeling called to create some type of adventure in your life to deepen your connection with self. Take stock, ask yourself, where am I? What will/do I want to discover? How can I break free to claim the boon that the stars are offering through adventure? 

There is a vision yet to be seen and recognized for you and for me, are you fully open to trusting the unknown creation of this adventure? 

In my next blog, I will be speaking to the fear and anxiety of creating an unknown adventure, and trusting that all will unfold in the best way possible for my highest good. 


What is the MOST asked question about my life at this moment?


The Fear of Adventure