The Voice of Your Soul through Inner Wisdom

How It Can Strengthen You During Difficult Times

All of us were created with an innate inner wisdom which guides our lives, serves as an inner “truth meter” and helps us to make important decisions at critical turning points in our lives. Some call this natural gift intuition, spiritual guidance or “gut feelings”. For some in Human Design, there is Gate 57, where intuitive awareness is naturally communicated through the voice in the present moment. For those with a Manifestor design, this gate is connected to the Throat Center to activate immediate expression of the Soul.

The truth is, each of us connects to intuition in our own unique ways. Those with artistic or musical gifts may call upon their muse to inspire them with creative ideas. Those whose work involves great physical or mental endurance may connect with their inner wisdom by challenging themselves deeply to break through the barriers that usually stand between themselves and their inner gifts. Some of us may live very busy lives with little time to tune into our inner guidance, but our dreams serve as messengers to share with us the important information we may have tuned out in the midst of a busy day. (Raise your hand if this last one is you on any given day?)

Our intuition is a profound gift which connects our embodied physical self with our divine spiritual essence. The soul communicates with our embodied self through this line of inner light. One can develop this inner connection over time through silence and stillness either through practicing meditation, prayer, or the deep inner study of self.

In my ebook, ‘In The Flow of Energy,’ understanding the power of intuition is a tool for deepening and opening the doors to greater insights. All it takes is one insight to shift and change everything in your life. Shifting one energetic block can unleash more creative aliveness than you could ever imagine possible. Intuition is a form of intelligence which opens immediate and powerful insights that mobilize enormous amounts of energy. Giving us understanding as to why one can feel so alive rather than weighed down and at ease instead of tense and worried when in flow with intuitive hits in the body. 

Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein, both highly creative souls have credited their brilliance to honoring their intuition. Each knew that gaining more knowledge and information externally and logically simply didn’t serve the way creative energy flowed to answer the deeper questions in their lives. (btw, each one practiced stillness and meditation on the daily…)

Our intuition can act as a guiding compass, pointing us instinctively towards the support we need to get through the difficulties we are facing. When our minds fail us because we feel overwhelmed, the voice of our inner wisdom speaks clearly and will repeat itself as often as necessary.

If we are accustomed to ‘control’ of our lives through overmanaging outcomes, and then suddenly are faced with a situation we cannot manage, we may feel frightened and desperate because our usual methods of coping no longer are working. Intuition however, will always work, even in the direst of circumstances, because our embodied human self in the physical world is always connected with our larger spiritual self.

If we have become accustomed to discounting our inner wisdom, or have simply shut down the intuitive parts of ourselves through years of neglect, it may feel as though we cannot find the thread of light that would re-connect us to our source. It is important to understand that no matter how disconnected we become from our divine inner wisdom, it is always present and available to us. Even if we have erected barriers to shut out our inner guidance for a time, these can be removed by deepening a practice of prayer, meditation, or intentional stillness and quiet.

So, how does one know if it’s ‘instinct’ or ‘intuition’?

There is a fine line of distinction between the two. Intuition does share the immediacy and ‘inner knowing’ qualities of instinct, but in so many ways it is the opposite. Intuition is not personal. It belongs to the moment. It has no inherent meaning. For example, if you are driving in your car and you get a ‘hit’ to turn the corner when you intended to go straight, then you were guided by intuition. It has no logic to it. It seeks no resolution but instead seeks an opening. It will unfold between your awareness and all that is. It doesn’t require any special knowledge or familiarity. Intuition is expansive and opens to the possibility. Its quality is that of space. Seriously, how many times have you arrived at some destination, and it was not the actual place you intended to go? Somehow you were guided there. 

What does one’s intuition have to do with the voice of your soul and the purpose of your life? 

If we have been disconnected from our inner soul voice for a very long time, the process of reconnecting will often bring up old emotions, thoughts and memories that we may have hidden from ourselves that we were not ready to deal with. Creating a sense of not knowing or understanding what your whole purpose is in this life. Often questioning, why or what it is you are doing with your life, and spinning in uncertainty and a lack of clarity. 

Remember Roy? He had the same questions about his life purpose, but more importantly about the discernment of instinct and intuition. Having been a police officer for a few years and going through some intense training on how to use his instincts to stay alive and safe in each scenario had become second nature and drowned out his natural intuitive voice. 

When one loses their way with life purpose, and drown out their inner soul voice, you can often feel lost, uncertain of your path, your purpose, or your connection to self.

  • What if there was a truly clear path of understanding how your inner soul voice can aid and support you in defining the truer path of your life purpose? 

  • What if you didn’t need to find your direction or keep looking for what is missing? 

  • What if it has been within you the whole time?


Explore Your Life’s Purpose


and then there was roy