The Journey of Purpose…

…follows the voice of the Soul.

As we look at the pain in the world around us, we see many things we deeply desire to heal and change. Many of those things seem beyond our ability to influence and change. This became even more evident to me while living in a remote Native American community for the past 14 months. So, what can be changed? 

There is one thing I feel we can truly change to help the world, and that’s ourselves. We can look deep within, moving closer to the truth of who we are. In doing so, we move beyond the limitations of our beliefs, misaligned values, and own conditioning, and then the world around us begins to transform. A place where radiant joy, harmony, peace, and love emerge and become contagious.

How does one get to this transformation of moving beyond what holds us back and creates more peace? Because, isn’t that really why we are all here…for more peace as part of living our life’s purpose. 

One way we can begin walking this path of transformation is by getting to know our higher self to hear the voice of our soul. In developing this understanding that this is loving and powerful, is one way to move closer toward healing and aligning with our highest self. Our Higher Self knows everything about us and sees the bigger picture. It speaks to us about our past lives, our dreams, frustrations, relationships, our different ways of being that create disharmony, the lessons we are learning, all our possible choices, the past and our potential future. When tuned in, the Higher Self can be a wonderful guide, and a true alchemist for our lives. Just imagine the possibility of seeing everything more clearly, feeling the joy and security of knowing that your choices are taking you toward what is aligned for your highest good!

There are times in all of our lives when we are faced with challenges and are moving through difficulties, we may feel lonely, isolated or misunderstood by others. Maybe even, feeling that there is no one who understands what is really happening. We hide out of shame, embarrassment, and fear of being discovered and abandoned by others. Have you ever known anyone experiencing this?

When you open yourself to allowing the voice of your soul to be involved in our daily life, you will be able to feel loved, nurtured, and deeply understood. Your Higher Self is always there for you, in a way that another human being is not able to be, speaking to you in those deeply silent moments. All you must do is listen. The voice of your soul is always ready to give you all the attention you need, always loving, has your highest good in mind guiding you ever closer to unlimited source and unlimited truth.

In the work I have done with others, and in my own work with this topic, there is always struggle. The struggle to open and allow the voice of our soul to emerge and be heard. Many times our own conditioning from families, relationships, and life experiences keeps a person blocked from hearing this voice of love and guidance. As we grow and evolve we sometimes find that our effort to maintain our previous version of self is not enough to support our expanded, abundant Self. We can sense and understand the possibility of true prosperous living, but our old patterns of thinking and doing simply don’t give us the guidance we need to actualize our spiritual dreams and transform our lives into what we are manifesting. We often discover we need a means of finding our way through the day to day reality of living, in a way that supports our Soul’s expansive desires. Then, one day you hear it, the Higher Self, the voice of the Soul. In creating a deeper relationship with your Higher Self, it can provide immediate and insightful help for the challenges of everyday living and guide you to greater peace, love, and harmony. 

This deep, expansive communion with the Self is one of the most powerful and direct ways to access the Souls ability to help you with all of your choices. The experience is also exquisitely beautiful and profoundly intimate. More intimate than any human relationship. Who could possibly know you better and love you more deeply on this earth than your own Higher Self?

Imagine for a moment, the endless love you have been seeking which transcends this human existence. Join me for a minute… 

…Go stand in front of a mirror

…Look deeply into those ancient eyes

…See only the truth of love shining back at you

…Open to the knowledge that this wise one has been with you always

…Feel your heart open - feel the trust that comes from true commitment

…Expand your heart wider

…Allow yourself to be engulfed in this great being of love and bright light

…Feel the strength, beauty, power and love of ancient ones flow through you

…Your own heart knows the truth

…You know who this deep love is your Soul   

How long have you been waiting for this moment? How many times have you yearned for this completion? The years of separateness drift away as you experience the ecstasy of true self love.

To experience your True Higher Self in this way is an amazing gift and a great service to our precious planet. Everyone can learn to turn within and commune with their Soul. The rewards can be astonishing. With practice, the heart continues to open, the healing process quickens, life becomes more joyful and the world around us begins to change. Intimacy with the True Higher Self purifies the heart allowing you to experience your own true abundant nature. Discovering pure joy and true happiness need not be difficult. It takes only a willing heart and practice. Isn’t that why we are really here, to expand the boundaries of true love and emerge into our highest self and the power of our soul? 

With the deepest of love,



and then there was roy


Combining Magic & Spirituality into Business to Increase Success