Just letting you know…

Just wanting to let you know what's been happening behind my closed aura....

You are probably wondering (or not), WTF is a closed aura? 

A while back I shared about when I discovered that my Human Design was a Manifestor, and we come into the world with a big energy packing an even bigger punch! (for some it's magnetizing, for others it is repelling - welcome to my world, lol) 

At this point, you may now be thinking "WTH is she talking about?'

Today, I wanted to share a bit more of my learning curve with Human Design, maybe it will spark an interest for you, maybe it will make you just hit delete, and it could possibly make you want to unsubscribe...whichever you choose from this point forward is alright with me...do what you are impacted to do by my big and powerful aura. (insert smiley face here)

Let' get this moving along...I have sh*t to do, and so do you probably, right? 

One of the most fascinating things that happens in my life (and maybe with some of you too) is that people are always saying "They know me...", like "they know what makes me tick, what I am thinking, what I am up to..." and I am sure that some truly feel that way, but here's the truth...when it comes to Auras in the Human Design scope of energy types, all five types are different yet similar. 

For example:

Generators & Manifesting Generators have an open & welcoming aura (like labrador puppies) to welcome in guidance from the projectors, to show them how to respond to life and keep their motors humming in creation. 

Projectors have this focused and absorbing aura, and they penetrate into the auras of the Generators and Manifesting Generators (Gens and Man Gens), guiding them along their paths of creation.  

Reflectors (this is Leo) are here to sample other auras and provide the necessary feedback to keep things on the straight and open road of life. (He tries to give me feedback..wink wink)

When it comes to Manifestors, well we are a bit different...our aura is closed and can be repelling (for good reason). Picture it this way, the Manifestor is this beautiful cottage in the meadow (you see it?), and our aura is this invisible protective wall (bubble really) that repels you when you bump into it (it sits about a football field away from the cottage)...did I say the cottage is on wheels? When you bump into this invisible wall one of two things will happen: you will either be so taken aback that you just move away and decide 'heck no' or you get magnetized by the wall and become curious about it - wanting to know more...waiting for a glimpse behind the wall. (yes, I have seen the repel part in action..oy vey!)

Now this may sound great in theory, and a bit in reality, but here's a bit of the scoop. It's f*&kng hard to live with a closed aura. Yeah, yeah, sounds like heaven (most days) and it can be (cue the mysterious music) but hell, even my family has a hard time trying to figure me out! Don't get me started on relationships with this kind of aura, hahahaha!

Oh shoot! I started laughing at my last joke and forgot what my whole point was!! hahahaha!

Anyway, here's what I have happening behind the mysterious aura wall...

a. I have been learning how to lean into my rest cycles and creative urges in a more aligned way (if you are a Manifestor type as well, I would love to chat more!)

b. I have been learning how to use the technique of informing more (out loud) to others and the Universe (maybe I will write an email or blog about that one) - good stuff!

c. I have been doing human design chart readings for others to help them on their Human Design journey (if you are interested in a reading or a free chart - let me know) If you have a chart but are like ''WTF does all this mean? (while scratching your head), then head over to my website and schedule a chart reading for $49 (shameless plug!)

d. Or if none of that interests you, but you have some stuff in your life to work out, but don't want to spend the money on hiring a life coach and it's not serious enough for a therapist, then may I suggest my 60 Day Self-Coaching Journal over on Amazon.

e. I wanted to inform you that I had a tuna sandwich for lunch (wink wink - hey a mani has to practice at every opportunity)

Seriously, just wanted to catch up and share some insights with you. I do hope you found this bit of writing akin to a small (rather big) ray of sunshine in your day! 


I thought I was going crazy!!